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Join the Portcullis webring

  Welcome to the Portcullis webring. This is a rough draft currently still being written, so rules and requirements will change. If you would like to become a member by having your site listed in the index, then send me an email with the desired URL address.


There are some rules and requirements that have to be met to be listed in the webring so please keep them in mind.

  • Must be Christian friendly, so no lewd or profane content of any kind; or blasphemous.
  • Link to the Portculis webring from your site so that others can discover it. Please don’t hide the link or intentionally obscure it.
  • Redirects to domains that weren’t the intended destination are not permitted (i.e. you link to cats.com, but then cats.com redirects to dogs.com, misleading webring users. Backup domains are acceptable in this case though.)
  • For now, HTML based web sites are required. If you would like to include alternative protocols, I can include them on your member site summary.
  • English language web sites are required. If your site is multi-lingual, then that’s okay.
  • Your website cannot impersonate another site, or pretend to be someone it is not unless it’s satirical.
  • Your website must not contain materials illegal under US jurisdiction.

Email request form

Your email request form should include the following.

  • Name of site.
  • Address.
  • Site summary.


Name of site: Emhmki
Address: https://web.emhmki.org/
Site summary: Hello, Emhmki is my website where I discuss topics about computers.


  • If your website is available for only certain hours of the day, then please include this in the request email so that this can be included in your member site summary.
  • If you would like to update your site summary or address, then let me know. Please note that such change requests must be conducted from the original email account used when requesting membership.


  If you would like to link to this site, then you’re welcome to use the 88x31px .gif site badge.